Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
`DBApi 2.0 <>`_ (PEP249) compatible
implementation of data stores.

from oauth2.datatype import AccessToken, AuthorizationCode, Client
from oauth2.error import AccessTokenNotFound, ClientNotFoundError, \
from import AccessTokenStore, AuthCodeStore, ClientStore

[docs]class DatabaseStore(object): """ Base class providing functionality used by a variety of store classes. """ def __init__(self, connection): """ Initialize a new store class. :param connection: An instance of a `connection class <>`_. """ self.connection = connection def execute(self, query, *params): """ Executes a query and returns the identifier of the modified row. :param query: The query to be executed as a `str`. :param params: A `tuple` of parameters that will be replaced for placeholders in the query. :return: A `long` identifying the last altered row. """ cursor = self.connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query, params) self.connection.commit() return cursor.lastrowid finally: cursor.close() def fetchone(self, query, *args): """ Returns the first result of the given query. :param query: The query to be executed as a `str`. :param params: A `tuple` of parameters that will be replaced for placeholders in the query. :return: The retrieved row with each field being one element in a `tuple`. """ cursor = self.connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query, args) return cursor.fetchone() finally: cursor.close() def fetchall(self, query, *args): """ Returns all results of the given query. :param query: The query to be executed as a `str`. :param params: A `tuple` of parameters that will be replaced for placeholders in the query. :return: A `list` of `tuple`s with each field being one element in the `tuple`. """ cursor = self.connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query, args) return cursor.fetchall() finally: cursor.close()
[docs]class DbApiAccessTokenStore(DatabaseStore, AccessTokenStore): """ Base class of a DBApi 2.0 compatible :class:``. A concrete implementation extends this class and defines all or a subset of the \*_query class attributes. """ #: Insert an access token. create_access_token_query = None #: Insert one entry of additional data associated with an access token. create_data_query = None #: Insert one scope associated with an access token. create_scope_query = None #: Delete an access token by its refresh token. delete_refresh_token_query = None #: Retrieve an access token by its refresh token. fetch_by_refresh_token_query = None #: Retrieve all scopes associated with an access token. fetch_scopes_by_access_token_query = None #: Retrieve all data associated with an access token. fetch_data_by_access_token_query = None #: Retrieve an access token issued to a client and user for a specific #: grant. fetch_existing_token_of_user_query = None
[docs] def delete_refresh_token(self, refresh_token): """ Deletes an access token by its refresh token. :param refresh_token: The refresh token of an access token as a `str`. """ self.execute(self.delete_refresh_token_query, refresh_token)
[docs] def fetch_by_refresh_token(self, refresh_token): """ Retrieves an access token by its refresh token. :param refresh_token: The refresh token of an access token as a `str`. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.datatype.AccessToken`. :raises: :class:`oauth2.error.AccessTokenNotFound` if not access token could be retrieved. """ row = self.fetchone(self.fetch_by_refresh_token_query, refresh_token) if row is None: raise AccessTokenNotFound scopes = self._fetch_scopes(access_token_id=row[0]) data = self._fetch_data(access_token_id=row[0]) return self._row_to_token(data=data, scopes=scopes, row=row)
[docs] def fetch_existing_token_of_user(self, client_id, grant_type, user_id): """ Retrieve an access token issued to a client and user for a specific grant. :param client_id: The identifier of a client as a `str`. :param grant_type: The type of grant. :param user_id: The identifier of the user the access token has been issued to. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.datatype.AccessToken`. :raises: :class:`oauth2.error.AccessTokenNotFound` if not access token could be retrieved. """ token_data = self.fetchone(self.fetch_existing_token_of_user_query, client_id, grant_type, user_id) if token_data is None: raise AccessTokenNotFound scopes = self._fetch_scopes(access_token_id=token_data[0]) data = self._fetch_data(access_token_id=token_data[0]) return self._row_to_token(data=data, scopes=scopes, row=token_data)
[docs] def save_token(self, access_token): """ Creates a new entry for an access token in the database. :param access_token: An instance of :class:`oauth2.datatype.AccessToken`. :return: `True`. """ access_token_id = self.execute(self.create_access_token_query, access_token.client_id, access_token.grant_type, access_token.token, access_token.expires_at, access_token.refresh_token, access_token.refresh_expires_at, access_token.user_id) for key, value in list( self.execute(self.create_data_query, key, value, access_token_id) for scope in access_token.scopes: self.execute(self.create_scope_query, scope, access_token_id) return True
def _fetch_data(self, access_token_id): result = self.fetchall(self.fetch_data_by_access_token_query, access_token_id) data = {} if result is not None: for dataset in result: data[dataset[0]] = dataset[1] return data def _fetch_scopes(self, access_token_id): result = self.fetchall(self.fetch_scopes_by_access_token_query, access_token_id) scopes = [] if result is not None: for scope_data in result: scopes.append(scope_data[0]) return scopes def _row_to_token(self, data, scopes, row): return AccessToken(client_id=row[1], grant_type=row[2], token=row[3], data=data, expires_at=row[4], refresh_token=row[5], refresh_expires_at=row[6], scopes=scopes, user_id=row[7])
[docs]class DbApiAuthCodeStore(DatabaseStore, AuthCodeStore): """ Base class of a DBApi 2.0 compatible :class:``. A concrete implementation extends this class and defines all or a subset of the \*_query class attributes. """ #: Insert an auth code. create_auth_code_query = None #: Insert one entry of additional data associated with an auth code. create_data_query = None #: Insert one scope associated with an auth code. create_scope_query = None #: Delete an auth code. delete_code_query = None #: Retrieve an auth code by its code. fetch_code_query = None #: Retrieve all data associated with an auth code. fetch_data_query = None #: Retrieve all scopes associated with an auth code. fetch_scopes_query = None
[docs] def delete_code(self, code): """ Delete an auth code identified by its code. :param code: The code of an auth code. """ self.execute(self.delete_code_query, code)
[docs] def fetch_by_code(self, code): """ Retrieves an auth code by its code. :param code: The code of an auth code. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.datatype.AuthorizationCode`. :raises: :class:`oauth2.error.AuthCodeNotFound` if no auth code could be retrieved. """ auth_code_data = self.fetchone(self.fetch_code_query, code) if auth_code_data is None: raise AuthCodeNotFound data = dict() data_result = self.fetchall(self.fetch_data_query, auth_code_data[0]) if data_result is not None: for dataset in data_result: data[dataset[0]] = dataset[1] scopes = [] scope_result = self.fetchall(self.fetch_scopes_query, auth_code_data[0]) if scope_result is not None: for scope_set in scope_result: scopes.append(scope_set[0]) return AuthorizationCode(client_id=auth_code_data[1], code=auth_code_data[2], expires_at=auth_code_data[3], redirect_uri=auth_code_data[4], scopes=scopes, data=data, user_id=auth_code_data[5])
[docs] def save_code(self, authorization_code): """ Creates a new entry of an auth code in the database. :param authorization_code: An instance of :class:`oauth2.datatype.AuthorizationCode`. :return: `True` if everything went fine. """ auth_code_id = self.execute(self.create_auth_code_query, authorization_code.client_id, authorization_code.code, authorization_code.expires_at, authorization_code.redirect_uri, authorization_code.user_id) for key, value in list( self.execute(self.create_data_query, key, value, auth_code_id) for scope in authorization_code.scopes: self.execute(self.create_scope_query, scope, auth_code_id) return True
[docs]class DbApiClientStore(DatabaseStore, ClientStore): """ Base class of a DBApi 2.0 compatible :class:``. A concrete implementation extends this class and defines all or a subset of the \*_query class attributes. """ #: Retrieve a client by its identifier. fetch_client_query = None #: Retrieve all grants that a client is allowed to use. fetch_grants_query = None #: Retrieve all redirect URIs of a client. fetch_redirect_uris_query = None #: Retrieve all response types that a client supports. fetch_response_types_query = None
[docs] def fetch_by_client_id(self, client_id): """ Retrieves a client by its identifier. :param client_id: The identifier of a client. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.datatype.Client`. :raises: :class:`oauth2.error.ClientError` if no client could be retrieved. """ grants = None redirect_uris = None response_types = None client_data = self.fetchone(self.fetch_client_query, client_id) if client_data is None: raise ClientNotFoundError grant_data = self.fetchall(self.fetch_grants_query, client_data[0]) if grant_data: grants = [] for grant in grant_data: grants.append(grant[0]) redirect_uris_data = self.fetchall(self.fetch_redirect_uris_query, client_data[0]) if redirect_uris_data: redirect_uris = [] for redirect_uri in redirect_uris_data: redirect_uris.append(redirect_uri[0]) response_types_data = self.fetchall(self.fetch_response_types_query, client_data[0]) if response_types_data: response_types = [] for response_type in response_types_data: response_types.append(response_type[0]) return Client(identifier=client_data[1], secret=client_data[2], authorized_grants=grants, authorized_response_types=response_types, redirect_uris=redirect_uris)