
0.7.0 -> 1.0.0

One site adapter per grant

Starting from 1.0.0, the grants oauth2.grant.AuthorizationCodeGrant, oauth2.grant.ImplicitGrant and oauth2.grant.ResourceOwnerGrant expect the parameter site_adapter to be passed to them.

oauth2.Provider does not accept the parameter site_adapter anymore.

The base class oauth2.web.SiteAdapter does not exist anymore.

Code that looks like this in version 0.7.0

from oauth2 import Provider
from oauth2.web import SiteAdapter
from oauth2.grant import AuthorizationCodeGrant

class ExampleSiteAdapter(SiteAdapter):

provider = Provider(

has to be rewritten to look similar to the following

from oauth2 import Provider
from oauth2.web import AuthorizationCodeGrantSiteAdapter
from oauth2.grant import AuthorizationCodeGrant

class ExampleSiteAdapter(AuthorizationCodeGrantSiteAdapter):
    # Override the methods defined in AuthorizationCodeGrantSiteAdapter to suite your needs

# No site_adapter anymore
provider = Provider(...)


WSGI adapter classes refactoring

All code to connect python-oauth2 with a WSGI compliant server has been moved to the module oauth2.web.wsgi.

Also the class Wsgi has been renamed to Application and now expects the parameter provider instead of server.


from oauth2.web import Wsgi

# Instantiating storage and provider...

app = Wsgi(server=provider)


from oauth2.web.wsgi import Application

# Instantiating storage and provider...

app = Application(provider=provider)

Client passed to methods authenticate and render_auth_page of a Site Adapter


class ExampleSiteAdapter(AuthenticatingSiteAdapter, UserFacingSiteAdapter):
    def authenticate(self, request, environ, scopes):
        # code

    def render_auth_page(self, request, response, environ, scopes):
        # code


class ExampleSiteAdapter(AuthenticatingSiteAdapter, UserFacingSiteAdapter):
    def authenticate(self, request, environ, scopes, client):
        # code

    def render_auth_page(self, request, response, environ, scopes, client):
        # code