Source code for

Store adapters to persist and retrieve data during the OAuth 2.0 process or
for later use.
This module provides base classes that can be extended to implement your own
solution specific to your needs.
It also includes implementations for popular storage systems like memcache.
from oauth2.error import ClientNotFoundError, AuthCodeNotFound,\
from oauth2 import AuthorizationCode, Client, AccessToken

[docs]class AccessTokenStore(object): """ Base class for persisting an access token after it has been generated. Used in two-legged and three-legged authentication flows. """
[docs] def save_token(self, access_token): """ Stores an access token and additional data. :param access_token: An instance of :class:`oauth2.AccessToken`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fetch_by_refresh_token(self, refresh_token): """ Fetches an access token from the store using its refresh token to identify it. :param refresh_token: A string containing the refresh token. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class AuthCodeStore(object): """ Base class for writing and retrieving an auth token during the Authorization Code Grant flow. """
[docs] def fetch_by_code(self, code): """ Returns an AuthorizationCode fetched from a storage. :param code: The authorization code. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationCode`. :raises: :class:`AuthCodeNotFound` if no data could be retrieved for given code. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def save_code(self, authorization_code): """ Stores the data belonging to an authorization code token. :param authorization_code: An instance of :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationCode`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ClientStore(object): """ Base class for handling OAuth2 clients. """
[docs] def fetch_by_client_id(self, client_id): """ Retrieve a client by its identifier. :param client_id: Identifier of a client app. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.Client`. :raises: ClientNotFoundError """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class LocalClientStore(ClientStore): """ Stores clients in memory. """ def __init__(self): self.clients = {}
[docs] def add_client(self, client_id, client_secret, redirect_uris): """ Add a client app. :param client_id: Identifier of the client app. :param client_secret: Secret the client app uses for authentication against the OAuth 2.0 server. :param redirect_uris: A ``list`` of URIs to redirect to. """ self.clients[client_id] = Client(identifier=client_id, secret=client_secret, redirect_uris=redirect_uris) return True
[docs] def fetch_by_client_id(self, client_id): """ Retrieve a client by its identifier. :param client_id: Identifier of a client app. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.Client`. :raises: ClientNotFoundError """ if client_id not in self.clients: raise ClientNotFoundError return self.clients[client_id]
[docs]class LocalTokenStore(AccessTokenStore, AuthCodeStore): """ Stores tokens in memory. Useful for testing purposes or APIs with a very limited set of clients. Use memcache or redis as storage to be able to scale. """ def __init__(self): self.access_tokens = {} self.auth_codes = {} self.refresh_tokens = {}
[docs] def fetch_by_code(self, code): """ Returns an AuthorizationCode. :param code: The authorization code. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationCode`. :raises: :class:`AuthCodeNotFound` if no data could be retrieved for given code. """ if code not in self.auth_codes: raise AuthCodeNotFound return self.auth_codes[code]
[docs] def save_code(self, authorization_code): """ Stores the data belonging to an authorization code token. :param authorization_code: An instance of :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationCode`. """ self.auth_codes[authorization_code.code] = authorization_code return True
[docs] def save_token(self, access_token): """ Stores an access token and additional data in memory. :param client_id: An instance of :class:`oauth2.AccessToken`. """ self.access_tokens[access_token.token] = access_token if access_token.refresh_token is not None: self.refresh_tokens[access_token.refresh_token] = access_token return True
[docs] def fetch_by_refresh_token(self, refresh_token): """ Find an access token by its refresh token. :param refresh_token: The refresh token that was assigned to an ``AccessToken``. :return: The :class:`oauth2.AccessToken`. :raises: :class:`oauth2.error.AccessTokenNotFound` """ if refresh_token not in self.refresh_tokens: raise AccessTokenNotFound return self.refresh_tokens[refresh_token]
[docs] def fetch_by_token(self, token): """ Returns data associated with an access token or ``None`` if no data was found. Useful for cases like validation where the access token needs to be read again. :param token: A access token code. :return: An instance of :class:`oauth2.AccessToken`. """ if token not in self.access_tokens: raise AccessTokenNotFound return self.access_tokens[token]
[docs]class MemcacheTokenStore(AccessTokenStore, AuthCodeStore): """ Uses memcache to store access tokens and auth tokens. This Store supports ``pylibmc`` and ``python-memcached``. It tries to use ``pylibmc`` first and falls back to ``python-memcached``. Arguments are passed to the underlying client implementation. Initialization by passing an object:: # This example uses python-memcached import memcache # Somewhere in your application mc = memcache.Client(servers=[''], debug=0) # ... token_store = MemcacheTokenStore(mc=mc) Initialization using ``pylibmc``:: token_store = MemcacheTokenStore(servers=[""], binary=True, behaviors={"tcp_nodelay": True, "ketama": True}) Initialization using ``python-memcached``:: token_store = MemcacheTokenStore(servers=[''], debug=0) """ def __init__(self, mc=None, prefix="oauth2", *args, **kwargs): self.prefix = prefix if mc is not None: = mc else: try: import pylibmc = pylibmc.Client(*args, **kwargs) except ImportError: import memcache = memcache.Client(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fetch_by_code(self, code): """ Returns data belonging to an authorization code from memcache or ``None`` if no data was found. See :class:``. """ code_data = if code_data is None: raise AuthCodeNotFound return AuthorizationCode(**code_data)
[docs] def save_code(self, authorization_code): """ Stores the data belonging to an authorization code token in memcache. See :class:``. """ key = self._generate_cache_key(authorization_code.code), {"client_id": authorization_code.client_id, "code": authorization_code.code, "expires_at": authorization_code.expires_at, "redirect_uri": authorization_code.redirect_uri, "scopes": authorization_code.scopes, "data":})
[docs] def save_token(self, access_token): """ Stores the access token and additional data in memcache. See :class:``. """ key = self._generate_cache_key(access_token.token), access_token.__dict__) if access_token.refresh_token is not None: rft_key = self._generate_cache_key(access_token.refresh_token), access_token.__dict__)
def fetch_by_refresh_token(self, refresh_token): token_data = if token_data is None: raise AccessTokenNotFound return AccessToken(**token_data) def _generate_cache_key(self, identifier): return self.prefix + "_" + identifier
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