Source code for oauth2.grant

Grants are the heart of OAuth 2.0. Each Grant defines one way for a client to
retrieve an authorization. They are defined in
`Section 4 <>`_ of the OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 comes in two flavours of how an access token is issued:
two-legged and three-legged auth. To avoid confusion they are explained in
short here.

Three-legged OAuth
The "three" symbolizes the parties that are involved:

* The client that wants to access a resource on behalf of the user.
* The user who grants access to her resources.
* The server that issues the access token if the user allows it.

Two-legged OAuth
The two-legged OAuth process differs from the three-legged process by one
missing paricipant. The user cannot allow or deny access.

So there are two remaining parties:

* The client that wants to access a resource.
* The server that issues the access.

from oauth2.error import OAuthInvalidError, OAuthUserError, OAuthClientError,\
    ClientNotFoundError, UserNotAuthenticated, AccessTokenNotFound
from oauth2.compatibility import urlencode, quote
import json
import time
from oauth2 import AuthorizationCode, AccessToken

def json_error_response(error, response):
    Formats an error as a response containing a JSON body.
    msg = {"error": error.error, "description": error.explanation}

    response.status_code = 400
    response.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
    response.body = json.dumps(msg)
    return response

[docs]class Scope(object): """ Handling of the "scope" parameter in a request. If ``available`` and ``default`` are both ``None``, the "scope" parameter is ignored (the default). :param available: A list of strings each defining one supported scope. :param default: Value to fall back to in case no scope is present in a request. """ def __init__(self, available=None, default=None): self.scopes = [] self.send_back = False if isinstance(available, list): self.available_scopes = available else: self.available_scopes = [] self.default = default def compare(self, previous_scopes): """ Compares the scopes read from request with previously issued scopes. :param previous_scopes: A list of scopes. :return: ``True`` """ for scope in self.scopes: if scope not in previous_scopes: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_scope", explanation="Invalid scope parameter in request") return True
[docs] def parse(self, request): """ Parses scope value in given request. Expects the value of the "scope" parameter in request to be a string where each requested scope is separated by a white space:: # One scope requested "profile_read" # Multiple scopes "profile_read profile_write" :param request: An instance of :class:`oauth2.web.Request`. """ req_scope = request.get_param("scope") if req_scope is None: if self.default is not None: self.scopes = [self.default] self.send_back = True return elif len(self.available_scopes) != 0: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_scope", explanation="Missing scope parameter in request") else: return req_scopes = req_scope.split(" ") self.scopes = [scope for scope in req_scopes if scope in self.available_scopes] if len(self.scopes) == 0 and self.default is not None: self.scopes = [self.default] self.send_back = True
[docs]class ScopeGrant(object): """ Handling of scopes in the OAuth 2.0 flow. Inherited by all grants that need to support scopes. :param default_scope: The scope identifier that is returned by default. (optional) :param scopes: A list of strings identifying the scopes that the grant supports. :param scope_class: The class that does the actual handling in a request. Default: :class:`oauth2.grant.Scope`. """ def __init__(self, default_scope=None, scopes=None, scope_class=Scope): self.default_scope = default_scope self.scopes = scopes self.scope_class = scope_class def _create_scope_handler(self): return self.scope_class(available=self.scopes, default=self.default_scope)
class GrantHandler(object): """ Base class every oauth2 handler can extend. """ def process(self, request, response, environ): """ Handles the logic of how a user gets an access token. This includes steps like calling the implementation of a `SiteAdapter` if the user is authorized or generating a new access token. This method uses data read in `read_validate_params`. """ raise NotImplementedError def read_validate_params(self, request): """ Reads and validates the incoming data. """ raise NotImplementedError def redirect_oauth_error(self, error, response): """ Takes all the actions necessary to return an error response in the format defined for a specific grant handler. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class GrantHandlerFactory(object): """ Base class every handler factory can extend. This class defines the basic interface of each Grant. """ def __call__(self, request, server): raise NotImplementedError
class AuthRequestMixin(object): """ Generalization of reading and validating an incoming request used by `oauth2.grant.AuthorizationCodeAuthHandler` and `oauth2.grant.ImplicitGrantHandler`. """ def __init__(self, client_store, scope_handler, site_adapter, token_generator): self.client_id = None self.redirect_uri = None self.state = None self.client_store = client_store self.scope_handler = scope_handler self.site_adapter = site_adapter self.token_generator = token_generator def read_validate_params(self, request): """ Reads and validates data in an incoming request as required by the Authorization Request of the Authorization Code Grant and the Implicit Grant. """ client_id = request.get_param("client_id") if client_id is None: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Missing client_id parameter") self.client_id = client_id try: client_data = self.client_store.fetch_by_client_id(self.client_id) except ClientNotFoundError: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="No client registered") redirect_uri = request.get_param("redirect_uri") if redirect_uri is not None: if client_data.has_redirect_uri(redirect_uri) == False: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="redirect_uri is not registered for this client") else: self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri else: # redirect_uri is an optional param. # If not supplied, we use the first entry stored in db as default. self.redirect_uri = client_data.redirect_uris[0] self.state = request.get_param("state") self.scope_handler.parse(request) return True class AuthorizationCodeAuthHandler(AuthRequestMixin, GrantHandler): """ Implementation of the first step of the Authorization Code Grant (three-legged). """ token_expiration = 600 def __init__(self, auth_token_store, client_store, scope_handler, site_adapter, token_generator): self.auth_code_store = auth_token_store AuthRequestMixin.__init__(self, client_store, scope_handler, site_adapter, token_generator) def process(self, request, response, environ): """ Generates a new authorization token. A form to authorize the access of the application can be displayed with the help of `oauth2.web.SiteAdapter`. """ try: user_data = self.site_adapter.authenticate(request, environ, self.scope_handler.scopes) except UserNotAuthenticated: return self.site_adapter.render_auth_page(request, response, environ, self.scope_handler.scopes) code = self.token_generator.generate() expires = int(time.time()) + self.token_expiration auth_code = AuthorizationCode(client_id=self.client_id, code=code, expires_at=expires, redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri, scopes=self.scope_handler.scopes, data=user_data) self.auth_code_store.save_code(auth_code) response.add_header("Location", self._generate_location(code)) response.body = "" response.status_code = 302 return response def redirect_oauth_error(self, error, response): """ Redirects the client in case an error in the auth process occurred. """ query_params = {"error": error.error} query = urlencode(query_params) location = "%s?%s" % (self.redirect_uri, query) response.status_code = 302 response.body = "" response.add_header("Location", location) return response def _generate_location(self, code): query = "code=" + code if self.state is not None: query += "&state=" + self.state if self.scope_handler.send_back is True: query += "&scope=" + quote(" ".join(self.scope_handler.scopes)) return "%s?%s" % (self.redirect_uri, query) class AuthorizationCodeTokenHandler(GrantHandler): """ Implementation of the second step of the Authorization Code Grant (three-legged). """ def __init__(self, access_token_store, auth_token_store, client_store, token_generator): self.client_id = None self.client_secret = None self.code = None = {} self.redirect_uri = None self.scopes = [] self.access_token_store = access_token_store self.auth_code_store = auth_token_store self.client_store = client_store self.token_generator = token_generator def read_validate_params(self, request): """ Reads and validates the data from the incoming request. A valid request is issued via POST consists of the following form-encoded body: client_id - Identifier of the requesting client (required) client_secret - Secret phrase generated by the auth system (required) code - Authorization code acquired in the Authorization Request (required) redirect_uri - URI that the OAuth2 server should redirect to (optional) """ self._read_params(request) self._validate_client() self._validate_code() return True def process(self, request, response, environ): """ Generates a new access token and returns it. Returns the access token and the type of the token as JSON. Calls `` to persist the token. """ token_data = self.token_generator.create_access_token_data() access_token = AccessToken(client_id=self.client_id,, grant_type=AuthorizationCodeGrant.grant_type, token=token_data["access_token"], scopes=self.scopes) if "refresh_token" in token_data: expires_at = int(time.time()) + token_data["expires_in"] access_token.expires_at = expires_at access_token.refresh_token = token_data["refresh_token"] self.access_token_store.save_token(access_token) response.body = json.dumps(token_data) response.status_code = 200 response.add_header("Content-type", "application/json") return response def redirect_oauth_error(self, error, response): return json_error_response(error, response) def _read_params(self, request): self.client_id = request.post_param("client_id") self.client_secret = request.post_param("client_secret") self.code = request.post_param("code") self.redirect_uri = request.post_param("redirect_uri") if (self.code is None or self.client_id is None or self.client_secret is None or self.redirect_uri is None): raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Missing required parameter " \ "in request") def _validate_client(self): try: client = self.client_store.fetch_by_client_id(self.client_id) except ClientNotFoundError: raise OAuthClientError(error="invalid_client", explanation="Unknown client") if client.secret != self.client_secret: raise OAuthClientError(error="invalid_client", explanation="Invalid client_secret") if client.has_redirect_uri(self.redirect_uri) == False: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Invalid redirect_uri parameter") def _validate_code(self): stored_code = self.auth_code_store.fetch_by_code(self.code) if stored_code is None: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Invalid authorization code " \ "parameter") if stored_code.code != self.code: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_grant", explanation="Invalid code parameter in " \ "request") if stored_code.redirect_uri != self.redirect_uri: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Invalid redirect_uri parameter") if stored_code.is_expired(): raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_grant", explanation="Authorization code has expired") = self.scopes = stored_code.scopes
[docs]class AuthorizationCodeGrant(GrantHandlerFactory, ScopeGrant): """ Implementation of the Authorization Code Grant auth flow. This is a three-legged OAuth process. Register an instance of this class with :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationController` like this:: auth_controller = AuthorizationController() auth_controller.add_grant_type(AuthorizationCodeGrant()) """ grant_type = "authorization_code" def __call__(self, request, server): if (request.post_param("grant_type") == "authorization_code" and request.path == server.token_path): return AuthorizationCodeTokenHandler(server.access_token_store, server.auth_code_store, server.client_store, server.token_generator) if (request.get_param("response_type") == "code" and request.path == server.authorize_path): scope_handler = self._create_scope_handler() return AuthorizationCodeAuthHandler(server.auth_code_store, server.client_store, scope_handler, server.site_adapter, server.token_generator) return None
[docs]class ImplicitGrant(GrantHandlerFactory, ScopeGrant): """ Implementation of the Implicit Grant auth flow. This is a three-legged OAuth process. Register an instance of this class with :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationController` like this:: auth_controller = AuthorizationController() auth_controller.add_grant_type(ImplicitGrant()) """ grant_type = "implicit" def __call__(self, request, server): response_type = request.get_param("response_type") if (response_type == "token" and request.path == server.authorize_path): return ImplicitGrantHandler( access_token_store=server.access_token_store, client_store=server.client_store, scope_handler=self._create_scope_handler(), site_adapter=server.site_adapter, token_generator=server.token_generator) return None
class ImplicitGrantHandler(AuthRequestMixin, GrantHandler): def __init__(self, access_token_store, client_store, scope_handler, site_adapter, token_generator): self.access_token_store = access_token_store AuthRequestMixin.__init__(self, client_store, scope_handler, site_adapter, token_generator) def process(self, request, response, environ): if self.site_adapter.user_has_denied_access(request) == True: raise OAuthUserError(error="access_denied", explanation="Authorization denied by user") try: user_data = self.site_adapter.authenticate(request, environ, self.scope_handler.scopes) except UserNotAuthenticated: return self.site_adapter.render_auth_page(request, response, environ, self.scope_handler.scopes) token = self.token_generator.generate() access_token = AccessToken(client_id=self.client_id, grant_type=ImplicitGrant.grant_type, token=token, data=user_data, scopes=self.scope_handler.scopes) self.access_token_store.save_token(access_token) return self._redirect_access_token(response, token) def redirect_oauth_error(self, error, response): redirect_location = "%s#error=%s" % (self.redirect_uri, error.error) response.add_header("Location", redirect_location) response.body = "" response.status_code = 302 return response def _redirect_access_token(self, response, token): uri_with_fragment = "%s#access_token=%s&token_type=bearer" % (self.redirect_uri, token) if self.state is not None: uri_with_fragment += "&state=" + self.state if self.scope_handler.send_back is True: uri_with_fragment += "&scope=" + "%20".join(self.scope_handler.scopes) response.status_code = 302 response.add_header("Location", uri_with_fragment) response.content = "" return response
[docs]class ResourceOwnerGrant(GrantHandlerFactory, ScopeGrant): """ Implementation of the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant auth flow. In this Grant a user provides a user name and a password. An access token is issued if the auth server was able to verify the user by her credentials. Register an instance of this class with :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationController` like this:: auth_controller = AuthorizationController() auth_controller.add_grant_type(ResourceOwnerGrant()) """ grant_type = "password" def __call__(self, request, server): """ Checks if the incoming request can be handled by the ResourceOwnerGrantHandler and returns an instance of it. """ if request.post_param("grant_type") != "password": return None return ResourceOwnerGrantHandler( access_token_store=server.access_token_store, client_store=server.client_store, scope_handler=self._create_scope_handler(), site_adapter=server.site_adapter, token_generator=server.token_generator)
class ResourceOwnerGrantHandler(GrantHandler): """ Class for handling Resource Owner authorization requests. See """ def __init__(self, access_token_store, client_store, scope_handler, site_adapter, token_generator): self.access_token_store = access_token_store self.client_store = client_store self.scope_handler = scope_handler self.site_adapter = site_adapter self.token_generator = token_generator self.client_id = None self.password = None self.username = None def process(self, request, response, environ): """ Takes the incoming request, asks the concrete SiteAdapter to validate it and issues a new access token that is returned to the client on successful validation. """ user_data = self.site_adapter.authenticate(request, environ, self.scope_handler.scopes) token_data = self.token_generator.create_access_token_data() access_token = AccessToken(client_id=self.client_id, token=token_data["access_token"], grant_type=ResourceOwnerGrant.grant_type, data=user_data, scopes=self.scope_handler.scopes) if "refresh_token" in token_data: expires_at = int(time.time()) + token_data["expires_in"] access_token.expires_at = expires_at access_token.refresh_token = token_data["refresh_token"] self.access_token_store.save_token(access_token) if self.scope_handler.send_back is True: token_data["scope"] = " ".join(self.scope_handler.scopes) response.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json") response.status_code = 200 response.body = json.dumps(token_data) return response def read_validate_params(self, request): """ Checks if all incoming parameters meet the expected values. """ self.client_id = request.post_param("client_id") if self.client_id is None: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Missing client_id parameter") try: client = self.client_store.fetch_by_client_id(self.client_id) except ClientNotFoundError: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Unknown client") if client.secret != request.post_param("client_secret"): raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Could not authenticate client") self.password = request.post_param("password") self.username = request.post_param("username") self.scope_handler.parse(request=request, source="POST") return True def redirect_oauth_error(self, error, response): return json_error_response(error, response)
[docs]class RefreshToken(GrantHandlerFactory, ScopeGrant): """ Handles requests for refresk tokens as defined in Adding a Refresh Token to the :class:`oauth2.AuthorizationController` like this:: auth_controller = AuthorizationController() auth_controller.add_grant_type(RefreshToken(expires_in=600)) will cause :class:`oauth2.grant.AuthorizationCodeGrant` and :class:`oauth2.grant.ResourceOwnerGrant` to include a refresh token and expiration in the response. """ grant_type = "refresh_token" def __init__(self, expires_in, default_scope=None, scopes=None, scope_class=Scope): self.expires_in = expires_in ScopeGrant.__init__(self, default_scope=default_scope, scopes=scopes, scope_class=scope_class) def __call__(self, request, server): """ Determines if the current request requests a refresh token. :return: An instance of :class:`RefreshTokenHandler`. """ if request.path != server.token_path: return None if request.post_param("grant_type") != "refresh_token": return None return RefreshTokenHandler(access_token_store=server.access_token_store, client_store=server.client_store, scope_handler=self._create_scope_handler(), token_generator=server.token_generator)
class RefreshTokenHandler(GrantHandler): """ Validates an incoming request and issues a new access token. """ def __init__(self, access_token_store, client_store, scope_handler, token_generator): self.access_token_store = access_token_store self.client_store = client_store self.scope_handler = scope_handler self.token_generator = token_generator self.client_id = None = {} self.refresh_token = None def process(self, request, response, environ): """ Create a new access token. :param request: The incoming :class:`oauth2.web.Request`. :param response: The :class:`oauth2.web.Response` that will be returned to the client. :param environ: A ``dict`` containing data of the environment. :return: :class:`oauth2.web.Response` """ expires_in = self.token_generator.expires_in expires_at = int(time.time()) + expires_in token = self.token_generator.generate() access_token = AccessToken(client_id=self.client_id, token=token, grant_type=RefreshToken.grant_type,, expires_at=expires_at, scopes=self.scope_handler.scopes) self.access_token_store.save_token(access_token) response_data = {"access_token": token, "expires_in": expires_in, "token_type": "Bearer"} response.add_header("Content-type", "application/json") response.body = json.dumps(response_data) return response def read_validate_params(self, request): """ Validate the incoming request. :param request: The incoming :class:`oauth2.web.Request`. :return: Returns ``True`` if data is valid. :raises: :class:`oauth2.error.OAuthInvalidError` """ self.client_id = request.post_param("client_id") if self.client_id is None: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Missing client_id in request body") client_secret = request.post_param("client_secret") if client_secret is None: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Missing client_secret in request body") self.refresh_token = request.post_param("refresh_token") if self.refresh_token is None: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Missing refresh_token in request body") try: client = self.client_store.fetch_by_client_id(self.client_id) if client.secret != client_secret: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Invalid client secret") except ClientNotFoundError: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Unknown client") try: access_token = self.access_token_store.fetch_by_refresh_token( self.refresh_token ) except AccessTokenNotFound: raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Invalid refresh token") if access_token.expires_at < int(time.time()): raise OAuthInvalidError(error="invalid_request", explanation="Invalid refresh token") = self.scope_handler.parse(request) return True def redirect_oauth_error(self, error, response): return json_error_response(error, response)
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