Source code for oauth2


python-oauth2 is a framework that aims at making it easy to provide
authentication via `OAuth 2.0 <>`_ within
an application stack.


Example Authorization server::
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    import oauth2
    import oauth2.grant
    import oauth2.error
    import oauth2.tokengenerator
    import oauth2.web

    # Create a SiteAdapter to interact with the user.
    # This can be used to display confirmation dialogs and the like.
    class ExampleSiteAdapter(oauth2.web.SiteAdapter):
        def authenticate(self, request, environ, scopes):
            if request.post_param("confirm") == "1":
                return {}

            raise oauth2.error.UserNotAuthenticated

        def render_auth_page(self, request, response, environ, scopes):
            response.body = '''
            <form method="POST" name="confirmation_form">
                <input name="confirm" type="hidden" value="1" />
                <input type="submit" value="confirm" />
            return response

    # Create an in-memory storage to store your client apps.
    client_store =
    # Add a client
    client_store.add_client(client_id="abc", client_secret="xyz",

    # Create an in-memory storage to store issued tokens.
    # LocalTokenStore can store access and auth tokens
    token_store =

    # Create the controller.
    auth_controller = oauth2.AuthorizationController(

    # Add Grants you want to support
    # Add refresh token capability and set expiration time of access tokens
    # to 30 days

    # Wrap the controller with the Wsgi adapter
    app = oauth2.web.Wsgi(server=auth_controller)

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        httpd = make_server('', 8080, app)


python-oauth2 is available on
`PyPI <>`_::
    pip install python-oauth2


import json
import time
import urllib
from oauth2.error import OAuthInvalidError, OAuthUserError
from oauth2.web import Request, Response
from oauth2.tokengenerator import Uuid4

VERSION = "0.4.0"

[docs]class AccessToken(object): """ An access token and associated data. """ def __init__(self, client_id, grant_type, token, data={}, expires_at=None, refresh_token=None, scopes=[]): self.client_id = client_id self.grant_type = grant_type self.token = token = data self.expires_at = expires_at self.refresh_token = refresh_token self.scopes = scopes
[docs]class AuthorizationCode(object): """ Holds an authorization code and additional information. """ def __init__(self, client_id, code, expires_at, redirect_uri, scopes, data=None): self.client_id = client_id self.code = code self.expires_at = expires_at self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri self.scopes = scopes = data def is_expired(self): if self.expires_at < int(time.time()): return True return False
[docs]class Client(object): """ Representation of a client application. """ def __init__(self, identifier, secret, redirect_uris=[]): self.identifier = identifier self.secret = secret self.redirect_uris = redirect_uris def has_redirect_uri(self, uri): """ Checks if a uri is associated with the client. """ return uri in self.redirect_uris
[docs]class AuthorizationController(object): authorize_path = "/authorize" token_path = "/token" def __init__(self, access_token_store, auth_code_store, client_store, site_adapter, token_generator, response_class=Response): """ Endpoint of requests to the OAuth 2.0 server. :param access_token_store: An object that implements methods defiend by :class:``. :param auth_code_store: An object that implements methods defiend by :class:``. :param client_store: An object that implements methods defiend by :class:``. :param site_adapter: An object that implements methods defiend by :class:`oauth2.web.SiteAdapter`. :param token_generator: Object to generate unique tokens. :param response_class: Class of the response object. Default: :class:`oauth2.web.Response`. """ self.grant_types = [] self._input_handler = None self.access_token_store = access_token_store self.auth_code_store = auth_code_store self.client_store = client_store self.response_class = response_class self.site_adapter = site_adapter self.token_generator = token_generator
[docs] def add_grant(self, grant): """ Adds a Grant that the server should support. """ if hasattr(grant, "expires_in"): self.token_generator.expires_in = grant.expires_in self.grant_types.append(grant)
[docs] def dispatch(self, request, environ): """ Checks which Grant supports the current request and dispatches to it. :param request: An instance of :class:`oauth2.web.Request`. :param environ: Hash containing variables of the environment. :return: An instance of ``oauth2.web.Response``. """ try: grant_type = self._determine_grant_type(request) response = self.response_class() grant_type.read_validate_params(request) return grant_type.process(request, response, environ) except OAuthUserError as error: response = self.response_class() return grant_type.redirect_oauth_error(error, response) except OAuthInvalidError as error: response = self.response_class() response.add_header("Content-type", "application/json") response.status_code = 400 json_body = {"error": error.error} if error.explanation is not None: json_body["error_description"] = error.explanation response.body = json.dumps(json_body) return response
def _determine_grant_type(self, request): for grant in self.grant_types: grant_handler = grant(request, self) if grant_handler is not None: return grant_handler raise OAuthInvalidError(error="unsupported_response_type", explanation="Server does not support given " \ "response_type")
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